~FREE CD-ROM's !! OK, this is no lie, we do have a big pile of CD-ROM's up for grabs. Why ? Well because we are going CRAZY $@!#! and a few friendly game companies have been very generous..... ~How do I get a FREE CD-ROM ? Well, it's easy, write something for the magazine. A short/long game review, article, cheats, some tips or even a game solution is all we ask from you. Simply get typing, mail the material to us on a 3«" disk, in TEXT (ASCII) format (NOT Word 6 etc.). In return, as well as the CD-ROM, we will mail back the disk containing the latest issue (or a requested back issue) of Cheet Sheets. N.B - PLEASE state in your letter which issue you require and that you wish to receive a FREE CD (CD's may not be mailed UNLESS you specifically ask for them). ~What sort of material is needed ? Well every issue contains a HELP NEEDED section listing a number of games that require, hints, tips, cheats etc.. for specifically. Any other games not already covered in past issues of the mag are always on the look out for a brief or lengthy cheat or tip guide. So check out the Index listings in current issues of Cheet Sheets. REVIEWS - These always seem to be in short supply. Any game whatsoever, whether it's crap or excellent, can be wrote about. Don't worry if the game has already been reviewed in a past issue, as a second (third) opinion is always welcome and sometimes better than ONE (maybe bias) opinion.... ~Thanks in advance to all new (and old) contributors..... It's YOU the reader, who can make this a better read for ALL of us !!